There is a great deal of variety in what is on offer and some shows are far more informative than others.
Some are great fun, show what can be achieved with training, and promote a good cause - a great example of that genre was 'The Underdog Show' which promoted dogs in need of re-homing from the Dogs Trust.
[With the BBC in the UK no longer going to feature Crufts - the fall out due to a programme which showed the health problems which are being bred into some breeds for the sake of 'show standard' pedigrees. Two breeds which come to mind as having suffered really badly are the King Charles Spaniel and the Alsatian. Surely they now have room in their schedule to feature a new dog based programme for working breeds and/or for fun games for dogs. I always enjoyed the agility, flyball, and dancing sections of Crufts rather than the judging and best of breed. After all, we all prefer different breeds, and it never seems right to judge tiny dogs against large ones - all choices of best in show must be subjective really.]
The Sheepdog Trials which used to run for some weeks and make a really informative series of programmes has been condensed and, sadly, hidden away in the TV schedule.
Some shows are broadcast on a regional basis only and national coverage has not been approved for what would be informative TV - which in turn should lead to better treatment of dogs in general, fewer unwanted pets, and a better informed public.
Victoria Stilwell and 'It's Me or The Dog' was a good series but now only the book is available - an updated series, or a re-showing for the new audiences should be contemplated.
If you can get 'The Dog Whisperer' programme in your area - don't miss it! Knowledge of body language in both the dogs who are the 'problem' and their owners who are normally the cause of the problem is fascinating and should really be taped so that you can view each programme more than once.
Learn all you can from these free resources - preferably before you take on dog ownership! A knowledgable owner should make a far better owner... and be more sensitive, responsive, and feeling.
Useful resources:- Click here for a selection of Dog Training Books
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