Monday, 19 January 2009

Choosing the right dog or puppy

Before you decide to re-home a rescue dog - think carefully.

Can you give it a caring home for life?

Are you experienced with the breed?

When you go to the re-homing centre, do they take your particulars and carefully assess YOU to see that you can care for their dogs properly? Do they try and match dog to potential owner?

Our previous post gave a web address which has detailed information on breeds from a-z, have you decided which doggy personality would best fit into your home? This is an extremely important decision and the consequences of it should be studied before you go out to choose a pet.

Learn all you can about rescue dog care before you embark upon it - useful names and contacts were mentioned in the previous post.

If, on the other hand, you wish to get a puppy - do choose a reputable breeder - they will want to 'vet' YOU and see that you can provide a suitable and loving home for their precious pup. You should be able to see the mother of the pup, and in the fullness of time the pup with its mother, plus brothers and sisters. Sometimes you can also see the father, but in many cases another breeder owns the stud dog and lives some distance away.

Your breeder should give you feeding advice so that there is no change in diet to add to the trauma when the pup leaves its mother. A stomach upset isn't a very good start! Advice on innoculations required and insurance could also be part of the package.

[Please feel free to post questions which you would like to have answered in further posts.]

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