Did you see the 'Money saving tip' about dog beds for your new Lhasa Apso pup a few days ago?
I forgot to mention that once you ARE searching for a real and comfortable bed for your adult size Lhasa [or any other dog for that matter] a good place to start if you live in the US is eBay.com
We needed a bed especially for the back of our car for our dog who suffers from weak legs [a long story, he's a rescue, and had had a hard life till we got him when he was approximately 2 1/2 years old] - he needed a comfortable bed with high sides to help stop any movement.
We got one at about half the cost of ones at local pet stores, and that included postal costs from... eBay UK
Choose whichever eBay site is best for you and have a look around - on the eBay UK website you'll need to go to 'Home & Garden', scroll down to 'Pet Supplies', then choose 'Dogs', then finally choose 'Beds & Baskets'... great choice available at present!
Friday, 30 January 2009
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Bloat or Gastric Tortion
Pre-warned is pre-armed. Check out the information below so that you can recognise the signs before it is too late.
Click Secrets of Dog Training, in the margin on the left-hand side go to 'ARCHIVES', choose March 2007. Scroll down to Thursday, March 22, 2007 and you will find this important information on 'Bloat'.
Click Secrets of Dog Training, in the margin on the left-hand side go to 'ARCHIVES', choose March 2007. Scroll down to Thursday, March 22, 2007 and you will find this important information on 'Bloat'.
Celebrations, Chocolate & Theft
You don't want to poison your dog.
Please remember at Valentines, Easter, Birthdays and especially at Christmas time... Keep chocolate which is made for human consumption away from your pet.
By all means buy your dog some doggy chocolates they are safe, but don't let them thieve chocolates meant for humans. Christmas is especially tempting with chocolate decorations on the tree, and gifts under it, and in various other places around the house.
Your pet WILL smell the chocolate. Your pet is cleverer than any behaviour study allows for! They will wait until you are out of the way... and THEN go and commit chocolate theft. Remarkably clever, yes, but SO true!
Visit Thorntons.co.uk for chocolate gifts and more
Please remember at Valentines, Easter, Birthdays and especially at Christmas time... Keep chocolate which is made for human consumption away from your pet.
By all means buy your dog some doggy chocolates they are safe, but don't let them thieve chocolates meant for humans. Christmas is especially tempting with chocolate decorations on the tree, and gifts under it, and in various other places around the house.
Your pet WILL smell the chocolate. Your pet is cleverer than any behaviour study allows for! They will wait until you are out of the way... and THEN go and commit chocolate theft. Remarkably clever, yes, but SO true!
Visit Thorntons.co.uk for chocolate gifts and more
Money Saving Tip
There are many 'essentials' required for when your new pup arrives home! But you can save money on a bed. Until your pup reaches its adult size save your money for more important essentials!
[In another post I will make a list of important essentials to buy before you bring your new 'baby' home.]
Instead of investing in an expensive bed which your pup may resort to chewing just use a cardboard box.
Get a box with nice high sides, cut down and shape one of the long sides so that your pup can step into it easily, and use old towels or blankets to make the bed comfortable.
The box sides will keep out draughts and help keep your pup warm, just don't get a box which is too much bigger than the pup then it will seem nice and cosy to him or her. After all they will have just lost the warmth and comfort of their mother and their siblings.
Add a soft toy [made especially for dogs] for company. If your pup should have an accident, the bedding and toy can be washed and a new box supplied. Use bigger boxes as your pup grows.
[In another post I will make a list of important essentials to buy before you bring your new 'baby' home.]
Instead of investing in an expensive bed which your pup may resort to chewing just use a cardboard box.
Get a box with nice high sides, cut down and shape one of the long sides so that your pup can step into it easily, and use old towels or blankets to make the bed comfortable.
The box sides will keep out draughts and help keep your pup warm, just don't get a box which is too much bigger than the pup then it will seem nice and cosy to him or her. After all they will have just lost the warmth and comfort of their mother and their siblings.
Add a soft toy [made especially for dogs] for company. If your pup should have an accident, the bedding and toy can be washed and a new box supplied. Use bigger boxes as your pup grows.
Are your Doggy Photos worth a fortune?
Have you got some photographs of your new puppy or dog which you think are worth sharing with other Lhasa Apso owners?
I've got two ideas here for ways in which you can, not only share your photographs with other pet lovers, but also make money into the bargain!
First, have you heard of Cafepress? It is a website where you can both shop for and buy individual and unique items, AND also where you can sell your own designs created from your photographs, drawings, etcetera. I will add a link to the website at the bottom of this post in the 'Resources' box - then you can find out all about how it works.
Another idea is for you to actually sell your photographs. The link takes you to a good place to both sell and to buy photos!
How and from where? are perhaps your next questions!
Well I'll put a link in the 'Resources' box to the website I find works best... cheapest for buying and most helpful for the new photographer. Just have a browse round the website, check out the most popular pictures, and get the general feel of the site. The only thing you can lose is a little time.
Shop or Create What's On Your Mind at CafePress and
Stock Photos, Search and Download Now!
I've got two ideas here for ways in which you can, not only share your photographs with other pet lovers, but also make money into the bargain!
First, have you heard of Cafepress? It is a website where you can both shop for and buy individual and unique items, AND also where you can sell your own designs created from your photographs, drawings, etcetera. I will add a link to the website at the bottom of this post in the 'Resources' box - then you can find out all about how it works.
Another idea is for you to actually sell your photographs. The link takes you to a good place to both sell and to buy photos!
How and from where? are perhaps your next questions!
Well I'll put a link in the 'Resources' box to the website I find works best... cheapest for buying and most helpful for the new photographer. Just have a browse round the website, check out the most popular pictures, and get the general feel of the site. The only thing you can lose is a little time.
Shop or Create What's On Your Mind at CafePress and
Stock Photos, Search and Download Now!
Monday, 26 January 2009
UK only, sorry. Not about dogs anyway!
Do you buy flowers online?
Please note: This is NOT an affiliate link! I just thought it was a good cause.
Cancer Research UK has a new online shop at GiveWithFlowers. They offer all kinds of flowers, and 20% of the price goes directly to Cancer Research UK.
The flowers come with a guarantee that they will stay fresh for a minimum of five days. Also available is a selection of gifts including cards, gorgeous cuddly toys, balloons, hampers and fragrances.
Please note: This is NOT an affiliate link! I just thought it was a good cause.
Cancer Research UK has a new online shop at GiveWithFlowers. They offer all kinds of flowers, and 20% of the price goes directly to Cancer Research UK.
The flowers come with a guarantee that they will stay fresh for a minimum of five days. Also available is a selection of gifts including cards, gorgeous cuddly toys, balloons, hampers and fragrances.
Sunday, 25 January 2009
Establishing GOOD habits
After having read our previous post on the stubborn nature of your Lhasa Apso, you will realise that it is of vital importance to establish GOOD habits in the first place!
Two of the most important items of training for a Lhasa Apso are establishing your potty training [housetraining, housebreaking] routine successfully, as once you have problems they are more difficult to rectify. In all seriousness, you should NOT experience any difficulties establishing a successful routine - it should all be fine! Follow our previous pointers.
More important, I think, is getting your puppy used to being groomed as it must become part of your daily routine to comb and brush their beautiful coats. Plenty of time will have to be set aside for this daily grooming.
If they enjoy it, it will become a time for you to enjoy together, a time when you can bond more closely together... hopefully it will become a lifelong joy for you both.
Two of the most important items of training for a Lhasa Apso are establishing your potty training [housetraining, housebreaking] routine successfully, as once you have problems they are more difficult to rectify. In all seriousness, you should NOT experience any difficulties establishing a successful routine - it should all be fine! Follow our previous pointers.
More important, I think, is getting your puppy used to being groomed as it must become part of your daily routine to comb and brush their beautiful coats. Plenty of time will have to be set aside for this daily grooming.
If they enjoy it, it will become a time for you to enjoy together, a time when you can bond more closely together... hopefully it will become a lifelong joy for you both.
Tips on Lhasa Apso Puppy Training
The Lhasa Apso is classified as a small dog... so if you are looking for a suitable small dog the following are points for you to consider:-
There are only two possible downsides to owning a Lhasa - according to the many books which describe the various dog breeds.
1] They are inclined to be standoffish with strangers.
2] They are also stated to be difficult to train.
As for the first 'fault' I personally think it could be construed as a big plus in the present social climate. Dog-napping is far too prevalent, and your 'standoffish' dog might be far safer for exhibiting that particular personality trait!
Difficult to train. Yes, they have minds of their own and can be stubborn, but once you have established yourself as 'leader of the pack' then everything will fall into place very successfully. Once they have learned something they will keep to it - so as long as it is a good habit then all will be a-OK!
Teach once, and teach correctly should be your motto!
There are only two possible downsides to owning a Lhasa - according to the many books which describe the various dog breeds.
1] They are inclined to be standoffish with strangers.
2] They are also stated to be difficult to train.
As for the first 'fault' I personally think it could be construed as a big plus in the present social climate. Dog-napping is far too prevalent, and your 'standoffish' dog might be far safer for exhibiting that particular personality trait!
Difficult to train. Yes, they have minds of their own and can be stubborn, but once you have established yourself as 'leader of the pack' then everything will fall into place very successfully. Once they have learned something they will keep to it - so as long as it is a good habit then all will be a-OK!
Teach once, and teach correctly should be your motto!
Saturday, 24 January 2009
The 3 Simple Steps to Catapult your Dog Training Success
FIRST - Do all your training with love, kindness, and enthusiasm... and only train for short periods of time.
*Positive training method.
SECOND - Do all your training from a position of knowing just what you should be doing... learn all you can before you get your pet.
THIRD - TIME. Time to learn as much as possible from various sources before you take your new charge into your home. Time in small but frequent chunks for training. And, very importantly, time to get to know all the signs your pup gives in his or her body language. How he/she is feeling, whether he/she is tired, ready for a game, wants to go to the loo, etcetera - all these can be picked up on through body language signs.
Timing is perhaps the most important success step of all - get that right and training will go like a breeze! But you will need time to learn about timing!
Potty training is one of the training steps which require spot on timing. But try at first to remember to take your pup to the place you designate as soon as it wakes up, after it has eaten, played a game, and had a drink.
*Time and timing.
*Positive training method.
SECOND - Do all your training from a position of knowing just what you should be doing... learn all you can before you get your pet.
THIRD - TIME. Time to learn as much as possible from various sources before you take your new charge into your home. Time in small but frequent chunks for training. And, very importantly, time to get to know all the signs your pup gives in his or her body language. How he/she is feeling, whether he/she is tired, ready for a game, wants to go to the loo, etcetera - all these can be picked up on through body language signs.
Timing is perhaps the most important success step of all - get that right and training will go like a breeze! But you will need time to learn about timing!
Potty training is one of the training steps which require spot on timing. But try at first to remember to take your pup to the place you designate as soon as it wakes up, after it has eaten, played a game, and had a drink.
*Time and timing.
Thursday, 22 January 2009
Who is MY favourite Dog Trainer?
There are numerous dog trainers, some with high profiles, and some who just carry on quietly in their own neighbourhoods helping new, inexperienced, or troubled owners any way they can [and getting great satisfaction from all their successes I know - from experience].
If you are looking for some kind of help from books, videos, television programmes, or other media courses - let me explain very briefly who I have personally learned from, and have felt to be a good reliable source of expert help and assistance.
First the courses available in our margin:-
Daniel Stevens full dog training course. Click on the page, scroll down and apply for the FREE 6-day course, that way you can decide for yourself if you like his methods! But with over 64,000 satisfied customers they surely can't all be wrong!
Dove Creswell trainer of animals for film, TV, etcetera - view the free online video at the following link... HERE!
[Getting the animals to do correctly what is required for the film/TV/photo shot etc., and at the right time, isn't as easy as it may appear - it takes a special trainer and a dog with a special temperament.]
For really rapid and simple potty training advice Click Here!
Now for other resources:-
Victoria Stilwell and 'It's Me or The Dog' - both the TV programme, and the book of the programme are very useful. If the TV programme is showing re-runs on any channel, do record them, and study them. If anything, I think the book is more comprehensive than watching the programmes though. It covers everything you could possibly want to know about dogs and their training in a down-to-earth and easy to understand manner. Totally 'dog friendly'.
The Dog Whisperer TV programmes are brilliant, you need to record them, and watch several times to fully comprehend the nuances of body language of both dogs and owners. I'm afraid I haven't read any of Cesar Milan's books, but if they are half as good as the TV programmes they must be really good.
Jan Fennell's books [The Dog Listener] are very informative. I prefer the first one as it explains very comprehensively about a rescue dog of hers - this gives a great insight into the thought processes of dogs in general. Definitely recommended.
You may also be interested in the Dog Borstal TV programmes - if I had to forego any one of the above resources I must admit it would be this one. You have 3 different trainers, and people come with their 'problem' dogs to spend time at the training camp... whether or not you like the training methods, or if you can learn anything useful from watching the programmes will be for you to decide.
[Note: All of the courses, programmes, and books mentioned above contain helpful information on potty training/housebreaking/housetraining.]
I forgot to mention in the books for 'training' - check out books on the Tellington Touch Massage technique - can be used for dogs and horses... though separate books. This is supposed to calm dogs and also help with training. You must make up your own mind. I am thinking of buying one of the books and trying it out - all knowledge can be helpful!
Your response to this list will depend entirely upon what you are looking for... whether you need just a quick answer or two to a vexing problem, or a more in depth training course, will govern which of the above will be of interest to you.
Click here for a selection of Dog Training Books
If you are looking for some kind of help from books, videos, television programmes, or other media courses - let me explain very briefly who I have personally learned from, and have felt to be a good reliable source of expert help and assistance.
First the courses available in our margin:-
Daniel Stevens full dog training course. Click on the page, scroll down and apply for the FREE 6-day course, that way you can decide for yourself if you like his methods! But with over 64,000 satisfied customers they surely can't all be wrong!
Dove Creswell trainer of animals for film, TV, etcetera - view the free online video at the following link... HERE!
[Getting the animals to do correctly what is required for the film/TV/photo shot etc., and at the right time, isn't as easy as it may appear - it takes a special trainer and a dog with a special temperament.]
For really rapid and simple potty training advice Click Here!
Now for other resources:-
Victoria Stilwell and 'It's Me or The Dog' - both the TV programme, and the book of the programme are very useful. If the TV programme is showing re-runs on any channel, do record them, and study them. If anything, I think the book is more comprehensive than watching the programmes though. It covers everything you could possibly want to know about dogs and their training in a down-to-earth and easy to understand manner. Totally 'dog friendly'.
The Dog Whisperer TV programmes are brilliant, you need to record them, and watch several times to fully comprehend the nuances of body language of both dogs and owners. I'm afraid I haven't read any of Cesar Milan's books, but if they are half as good as the TV programmes they must be really good.
Jan Fennell's books [The Dog Listener] are very informative. I prefer the first one as it explains very comprehensively about a rescue dog of hers - this gives a great insight into the thought processes of dogs in general. Definitely recommended.
You may also be interested in the Dog Borstal TV programmes - if I had to forego any one of the above resources I must admit it would be this one. You have 3 different trainers, and people come with their 'problem' dogs to spend time at the training camp... whether or not you like the training methods, or if you can learn anything useful from watching the programmes will be for you to decide.
[Note: All of the courses, programmes, and books mentioned above contain helpful information on potty training/housebreaking/housetraining.]
I forgot to mention in the books for 'training' - check out books on the Tellington Touch Massage technique - can be used for dogs and horses... though separate books. This is supposed to calm dogs and also help with training. You must make up your own mind. I am thinking of buying one of the books and trying it out - all knowledge can be helpful!
Your response to this list will depend entirely upon what you are looking for... whether you need just a quick answer or two to a vexing problem, or a more in depth training course, will govern which of the above will be of interest to you.
Click here for a selection of Dog Training Books
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Quick Tip
If you are looking for a dog which is relatively 'long-lived' the Lhasa Apso could suit you well - as would a Poodle - they both regularly manage to survive a good 15 years.
Maybe the Lhasa hasn't been messed about by alterations and manipulations to the breed standard - remember these could impair it's health and take away the longevity it enjoys!
Maybe the Lhasa hasn't been messed about by alterations and manipulations to the breed standard - remember these could impair it's health and take away the longevity it enjoys!
Dog Training Secrets from TV programmes
You can learn a great deal from watching the many various dog programmes which are served up on the TV.
There is a great deal of variety in what is on offer and some shows are far more informative than others.
Some are great fun, show what can be achieved with training, and promote a good cause - a great example of that genre was 'The Underdog Show' which promoted dogs in need of re-homing from the Dogs Trust.
[With the BBC in the UK no longer going to feature Crufts - the fall out due to a programme which showed the health problems which are being bred into some breeds for the sake of 'show standard' pedigrees. Two breeds which come to mind as having suffered really badly are the King Charles Spaniel and the Alsatian. Surely they now have room in their schedule to feature a new dog based programme for working breeds and/or for fun games for dogs. I always enjoyed the agility, flyball, and dancing sections of Crufts rather than the judging and best of breed. After all, we all prefer different breeds, and it never seems right to judge tiny dogs against large ones - all choices of best in show must be subjective really.]
The Sheepdog Trials which used to run for some weeks and make a really informative series of programmes has been condensed and, sadly, hidden away in the TV schedule.
Some shows are broadcast on a regional basis only and national coverage has not been approved for what would be informative TV - which in turn should lead to better treatment of dogs in general, fewer unwanted pets, and a better informed public.
Victoria Stilwell and 'It's Me or The Dog' was a good series but now only the book is available - an updated series, or a re-showing for the new audiences should be contemplated.
If you can get 'The Dog Whisperer' programme in your area - don't miss it! Knowledge of body language in both the dogs who are the 'problem' and their owners who are normally the cause of the problem is fascinating and should really be taped so that you can view each programme more than once.
Learn all you can from these free resources - preferably before you take on dog ownership! A knowledgable owner should make a far better owner... and be more sensitive, responsive, and feeling.
Useful resources:- Click here for a selection of Dog Training Books
There is a great deal of variety in what is on offer and some shows are far more informative than others.
Some are great fun, show what can be achieved with training, and promote a good cause - a great example of that genre was 'The Underdog Show' which promoted dogs in need of re-homing from the Dogs Trust.
[With the BBC in the UK no longer going to feature Crufts - the fall out due to a programme which showed the health problems which are being bred into some breeds for the sake of 'show standard' pedigrees. Two breeds which come to mind as having suffered really badly are the King Charles Spaniel and the Alsatian. Surely they now have room in their schedule to feature a new dog based programme for working breeds and/or for fun games for dogs. I always enjoyed the agility, flyball, and dancing sections of Crufts rather than the judging and best of breed. After all, we all prefer different breeds, and it never seems right to judge tiny dogs against large ones - all choices of best in show must be subjective really.]
The Sheepdog Trials which used to run for some weeks and make a really informative series of programmes has been condensed and, sadly, hidden away in the TV schedule.
Some shows are broadcast on a regional basis only and national coverage has not been approved for what would be informative TV - which in turn should lead to better treatment of dogs in general, fewer unwanted pets, and a better informed public.
Victoria Stilwell and 'It's Me or The Dog' was a good series but now only the book is available - an updated series, or a re-showing for the new audiences should be contemplated.
If you can get 'The Dog Whisperer' programme in your area - don't miss it! Knowledge of body language in both the dogs who are the 'problem' and their owners who are normally the cause of the problem is fascinating and should really be taped so that you can view each programme more than once.
Learn all you can from these free resources - preferably before you take on dog ownership! A knowledgable owner should make a far better owner... and be more sensitive, responsive, and feeling.
Useful resources:- Click here for a selection of Dog Training Books
Tips for 'high-energy' dogs
Another useful tip from the Dog Tipper website follows:
"Provide toys that can handle heavy chewing. Labs are generally food motivated, so use treat-giving puzzle toys to keep him mentally stimulated.
Get into the habit of providing daily training sessions of 15 minutes or so. Remember, dogs tire far more quickly from mental stimulation than from physical activities.
Crate training is strongly recommended for Labs. Not only does a crate help with housebreaking, it also helps to create boundaries for your pet, keeping both your dog and your house safe.
Anticipate your dog's possible naughty behavior. Put baby locks on cupboard doors, put away trash cans, separate your dog from a small child with food. (The dog may snatch the food not out of aggression but simply because the temptation is just too great.)
Use Bitter Apple spray, or other taste deterrents, on objects you don't want your pooch to chew."
[Note: I still haven't found a spray which will deter my RRs - they ignore all the Bitter Apple and Lemon ones and just keep eating/chewing - but the phase doesn't last for long, and keeping them stimulated and otherwise occupied soon works; so does food!]
"Provide toys that can handle heavy chewing. Labs are generally food motivated, so use treat-giving puzzle toys to keep him mentally stimulated.
Get into the habit of providing daily training sessions of 15 minutes or so. Remember, dogs tire far more quickly from mental stimulation than from physical activities.
Crate training is strongly recommended for Labs. Not only does a crate help with housebreaking, it also helps to create boundaries for your pet, keeping both your dog and your house safe.
Anticipate your dog's possible naughty behavior. Put baby locks on cupboard doors, put away trash cans, separate your dog from a small child with food. (The dog may snatch the food not out of aggression but simply because the temptation is just too great.)
Use Bitter Apple spray, or other taste deterrents, on objects you don't want your pooch to chew."
[Note: I still haven't found a spray which will deter my RRs - they ignore all the Bitter Apple and Lemon ones and just keep eating/chewing - but the phase doesn't last for long, and keeping them stimulated and otherwise occupied soon works; so does food!]
Pooper Scooper Companies
I found this extremely useful [to anyone who lives in a country where these services are available] article on a doggy tips website. I am adding a live link to the website at the bottom of the article.
"Hiring a Pooper Scooper Company
So much about dog care is fun--from dog walking to grooming to training your dog--but scooping poop is not one of those fun chores. Whether you just don't have the time or just don't want to mess with, well, the mess, you might consider hiring a pooper scooper service to clean your yard. Consider asking these questions to the pet waste removal company you're considering:
1. Do I have to sign a long-term contract?
Good poop scooper companies will not make you sign any contract. They will start service and end service whenever you request. These are companies that rely on a good reputation to build their customer loyalty.
2. How much do you charge?
Check around, costs are different depending on where you live, how many times a week the waste company visits, how big your yard is, and how many dogs you have. As a rough estimate, expect to pay about $50 per month for a once-weekly visit in a yard with one dog and about $55 a month for two dogs; bump it up to twice-weekly service and expect to pay about $90 a month for one dog or $95 for two dogs.
3. Do I have to pay in advance or will you bill after the job is completed each month?
You would probably prefer to billed after the work is completed, unless they've come highly recommended and you trust the company.
4. How do you clean the scooping equipment?
A reputable waste company will clean their equipment with anti-microbials after each use to prevent any possible cross-contamination. You don't want uncleaned equipment used for someone else's dog also used on your grass where your kids play.
5. How do you dispose of the waste?
Do they simply toss it, unbagged, into your garbage can, or do they bag it up and take it with them to dispose?
6.What communication can customers expect?
The pooper scooper service you choose should contact you if they find something is wrong. They should let you know if they find a foreign object in your dog's poo so that you know your dog is chewing on something they shouldn't. The company should also notify you if your dog isn't looking well or seems unusually lethargic.
Using a pooper scooper service can be money well spent, especially if you have several big dogs. By asking these questions, you can find a good business that will take care of your dog's business."
[Incidentally, if you live in a large town or city not in the USA, would it be worth considering setting up such a service? Just a random thought!]
The promised live link to Dog Tipper
"Hiring a Pooper Scooper Company
So much about dog care is fun--from dog walking to grooming to training your dog--but scooping poop is not one of those fun chores. Whether you just don't have the time or just don't want to mess with, well, the mess, you might consider hiring a pooper scooper service to clean your yard. Consider asking these questions to the pet waste removal company you're considering:
1. Do I have to sign a long-term contract?
Good poop scooper companies will not make you sign any contract. They will start service and end service whenever you request. These are companies that rely on a good reputation to build their customer loyalty.
2. How much do you charge?
Check around, costs are different depending on where you live, how many times a week the waste company visits, how big your yard is, and how many dogs you have. As a rough estimate, expect to pay about $50 per month for a once-weekly visit in a yard with one dog and about $55 a month for two dogs; bump it up to twice-weekly service and expect to pay about $90 a month for one dog or $95 for two dogs.
3. Do I have to pay in advance or will you bill after the job is completed each month?
You would probably prefer to billed after the work is completed, unless they've come highly recommended and you trust the company.
4. How do you clean the scooping equipment?
A reputable waste company will clean their equipment with anti-microbials after each use to prevent any possible cross-contamination. You don't want uncleaned equipment used for someone else's dog also used on your grass where your kids play.
5. How do you dispose of the waste?
Do they simply toss it, unbagged, into your garbage can, or do they bag it up and take it with them to dispose?
6.What communication can customers expect?
The pooper scooper service you choose should contact you if they find something is wrong. They should let you know if they find a foreign object in your dog's poo so that you know your dog is chewing on something they shouldn't. The company should also notify you if your dog isn't looking well or seems unusually lethargic.
Using a pooper scooper service can be money well spent, especially if you have several big dogs. By asking these questions, you can find a good business that will take care of your dog's business."
[Incidentally, if you live in a large town or city not in the USA, would it be worth considering setting up such a service? Just a random thought!]
The promised live link to Dog Tipper
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
How to choose a dog trainer or training method
Question - where does a dog trainer go to learn how best to train problem dogs?
Question - how to have a superior relationship with your dogs?
Question - which training method is best?
All are valid and perplexing questions. Let's try and answer them!
First - Dog trainers, I believe, come in two types... those who have all the paper qualifications, and may, or may not, be the best at their chosen profession... and those who are instinctive. Instinctive trainers may also have the paper qualifications, but not necessarily so - they have, on the other hand, studied, and empathized with animals throughout their lives, so building up a vast store of knowledge.
All 'new' dog trainers should study as much as they can from as many different sources as possible. And here by 'dog trainers' I am meaning those who wish to turn dog training into their profession, and also those who are about to take into their homes a new pet.
Second - you will gain a superior relationship, by first gaining superior knowledge. Learn, learn, learn. The more you learn, the more interested you will become, and the more interested you are the more you will learn and understand the complexities of dog society, and pack hierarchy.
Third - which method is best? One which is kind and relies on rewards for 'good' behaviour.
Short note on rewards... all rewards need not be of food - attention in the form of petting, play with a favourite toy, a walk, or a few games or tricks also work well for some breeds.
[A later post will discuss the trainers, methods of learning, and differences between them. Your preferred learning method, learning reinforcements, etcetera, will be taken into account. You can then review all the possible training methods open to you before you resort to a personal dog trainer for your situation.]
Question - how to have a superior relationship with your dogs?
Question - which training method is best?
All are valid and perplexing questions. Let's try and answer them!
First - Dog trainers, I believe, come in two types... those who have all the paper qualifications, and may, or may not, be the best at their chosen profession... and those who are instinctive. Instinctive trainers may also have the paper qualifications, but not necessarily so - they have, on the other hand, studied, and empathized with animals throughout their lives, so building up a vast store of knowledge.
All 'new' dog trainers should study as much as they can from as many different sources as possible. And here by 'dog trainers' I am meaning those who wish to turn dog training into their profession, and also those who are about to take into their homes a new pet.
Second - you will gain a superior relationship, by first gaining superior knowledge. Learn, learn, learn. The more you learn, the more interested you will become, and the more interested you are the more you will learn and understand the complexities of dog society, and pack hierarchy.
Third - which method is best? One which is kind and relies on rewards for 'good' behaviour.
Short note on rewards... all rewards need not be of food - attention in the form of petting, play with a favourite toy, a walk, or a few games or tricks also work well for some breeds.
[A later post will discuss the trainers, methods of learning, and differences between them. Your preferred learning method, learning reinforcements, etcetera, will be taken into account. You can then review all the possible training methods open to you before you resort to a personal dog trainer for your situation.]
44th President
Just a short heads up from the UK to wish America well for the inauguration of your 44th President. President Barack Obama will come into the job when America is in a financial mess, along with a great percentage of the rest of the world - with him will come hope for the future. Hope for a better, more stable, safer, and more peaceful world. Health, wealth, and love!
Monday, 19 January 2009
Choosing the right dog or puppy
Before you decide to re-home a rescue dog - think carefully.
Can you give it a caring home for life?
Are you experienced with the breed?
When you go to the re-homing centre, do they take your particulars and carefully assess YOU to see that you can care for their dogs properly? Do they try and match dog to potential owner?
Our previous post gave a web address which has detailed information on breeds from a-z, have you decided which doggy personality would best fit into your home? This is an extremely important decision and the consequences of it should be studied before you go out to choose a pet.
Learn all you can about rescue dog care before you embark upon it - useful names and contacts were mentioned in the previous post.
If, on the other hand, you wish to get a puppy - do choose a reputable breeder - they will want to 'vet' YOU and see that you can provide a suitable and loving home for their precious pup. You should be able to see the mother of the pup, and in the fullness of time the pup with its mother, plus brothers and sisters. Sometimes you can also see the father, but in many cases another breeder owns the stud dog and lives some distance away.
Your breeder should give you feeding advice so that there is no change in diet to add to the trauma when the pup leaves its mother. A stomach upset isn't a very good start! Advice on innoculations required and insurance could also be part of the package.
[Please feel free to post questions which you would like to have answered in further posts.]
Can you give it a caring home for life?
Are you experienced with the breed?
When you go to the re-homing centre, do they take your particulars and carefully assess YOU to see that you can care for their dogs properly? Do they try and match dog to potential owner?
Our previous post gave a web address which has detailed information on breeds from a-z, have you decided which doggy personality would best fit into your home? This is an extremely important decision and the consequences of it should be studied before you go out to choose a pet.
Learn all you can about rescue dog care before you embark upon it - useful names and contacts were mentioned in the previous post.
If, on the other hand, you wish to get a puppy - do choose a reputable breeder - they will want to 'vet' YOU and see that you can provide a suitable and loving home for their precious pup. You should be able to see the mother of the pup, and in the fullness of time the pup with its mother, plus brothers and sisters. Sometimes you can also see the father, but in many cases another breeder owns the stud dog and lives some distance away.
Your breeder should give you feeding advice so that there is no change in diet to add to the trauma when the pup leaves its mother. A stomach upset isn't a very good start! Advice on innoculations required and insurance could also be part of the package.
[Please feel free to post questions which you would like to have answered in further posts.]
More simple tips on training
Have you arrived here as a Lhasa Apso dog or puppy owner? Or, are you still undecided whether or not to choose a Lhasa Apso as your companion? Either way please read on to the very bottom!
Rare dog breeds, pedigree pups of a more popular breed, new breeds, mongrels, rescue dogs or puppies - they all come with their own particular peculiarities, and the more you know about the breed, type, and specific animal the better. Also note carefully the differences in temperament which may occur with a bitch or dog of the same breed.
If you haven't yet chosen or got your pet companion - do please do thorough research before thinking of looking at any puppies - the 'ah' factor can get to us all! You need to be able to give your new companion a permanent loving, caring home - making the wrong choice may be heartbreaking for you, but it is SO much worse for the animal in question.
Many, many, times people get small dogs because they think they don't need so much exercise, won't take up so much time grooming and will be easier all round. THIS IS NOT NECESSARILY SO!
A Lhasa Apso needs quite a fair bit of exercise, both on the leash and off, and will need regular and time consuming grooming.
On the other hand people will often say that a Rhodesian Ridgeback will need a large garden - in our experience they would always prefer a large couch / settee / sofa! They are very happy to have the door open and let you go out, maybe check what you are up to, then you can do the gardening whilst they rest in comfort on the sofa.
So do thorough research first and get a type of dog which you can give a good home to, always bearing in mind what time and facilities you have to offer him or her.
Training is more or less the same for each breed, though some breeds hate raised voices more than others, so always remember to be calm, confident, and caring. There are many books available on the subject at Amazon. In the UK we have The Dog Listener, Jan Fennell, in the USA there is the Dog Whisperer - you may be able to catch his TV programmes; if so I recommend you record them, as the theories become clearer on a second or third viewing.
I think Victoria Stilwell shows great empathy with all animals and is extremely informative... check out the book of her TV series here...[though the book covers MUCH more than just that] It's Me or the Dog: How to Have the Perfect Pet
and/or click on the Amazon link at the bottom of the page to see if they have any more of her books in stock.
Also you could read more about her in general at the following link...
Victoria Stilwell bio
In the margin you'll find our online recommendations. Another option to take if you're not yet an owner is to visit this comprehensive and extremely informative website... Click Here. You will find details of all breeds from a-z with a picture of the breed and detailed information on the characteristics you can expect, and much, much more.
Click on this quick link to check out what Amazon has to offer in the line of Dog Training Books
Rare dog breeds, pedigree pups of a more popular breed, new breeds, mongrels, rescue dogs or puppies - they all come with their own particular peculiarities, and the more you know about the breed, type, and specific animal the better. Also note carefully the differences in temperament which may occur with a bitch or dog of the same breed.
If you haven't yet chosen or got your pet companion - do please do thorough research before thinking of looking at any puppies - the 'ah' factor can get to us all! You need to be able to give your new companion a permanent loving, caring home - making the wrong choice may be heartbreaking for you, but it is SO much worse for the animal in question.
Many, many, times people get small dogs because they think they don't need so much exercise, won't take up so much time grooming and will be easier all round. THIS IS NOT NECESSARILY SO!
A Lhasa Apso needs quite a fair bit of exercise, both on the leash and off, and will need regular and time consuming grooming.
On the other hand people will often say that a Rhodesian Ridgeback will need a large garden - in our experience they would always prefer a large couch / settee / sofa! They are very happy to have the door open and let you go out, maybe check what you are up to, then you can do the gardening whilst they rest in comfort on the sofa.
So do thorough research first and get a type of dog which you can give a good home to, always bearing in mind what time and facilities you have to offer him or her.
Training is more or less the same for each breed, though some breeds hate raised voices more than others, so always remember to be calm, confident, and caring. There are many books available on the subject at Amazon. In the UK we have The Dog Listener, Jan Fennell, in the USA there is the Dog Whisperer - you may be able to catch his TV programmes; if so I recommend you record them, as the theories become clearer on a second or third viewing.
I think Victoria Stilwell shows great empathy with all animals and is extremely informative... check out the book of her TV series here...[though the book covers MUCH more than just that] It's Me or the Dog: How to Have the Perfect Pet
Also you could read more about her in general at the following link...
Victoria Stilwell bio
In the margin you'll find our online recommendations. Another option to take if you're not yet an owner is to visit this comprehensive and extremely informative website... Click Here. You will find details of all breeds from a-z with a picture of the breed and detailed information on the characteristics you can expect, and much, much more.
Click on this quick link to check out what Amazon has to offer in the line of Dog Training Books
Sunday, 18 January 2009
Reasons why your mature rescue dog may need housetraining
Have you got a mature rescue dog? Are you having problems housetraining [potty training] him or her?
You may even have problems with a mature dog which you have brought up from a puppy, there are many reasons for this which usually come down to an alteration to the dynamics of your pack. By 'your pack' I am meaning all the people, dogs, cats, and any other pets within your household.
Any alteration can lead to stress, bids for leadership, or an elevation of status which your dog feels it cannot cope with. You may have added a new pet, one may have died, children may have gone away to college - anything like this can start a problem. It may also be caused by a house move.
Whether it is a stressed and frightened rescue dog, or your own mature dog showing signs of problems - treat it with the positive reward method, and treat it calmly, gently, and quitely, no harsh methods please!
If you have any specific questions do feel free to post your queries. We will try and help.
Also why not check out our recommended [and guaranteed] solutions, which have live links in our margin - they are always well worth checking out for the best available advice.
You may even have problems with a mature dog which you have brought up from a puppy, there are many reasons for this which usually come down to an alteration to the dynamics of your pack. By 'your pack' I am meaning all the people, dogs, cats, and any other pets within your household.
Any alteration can lead to stress, bids for leadership, or an elevation of status which your dog feels it cannot cope with. You may have added a new pet, one may have died, children may have gone away to college - anything like this can start a problem. It may also be caused by a house move.
Whether it is a stressed and frightened rescue dog, or your own mature dog showing signs of problems - treat it with the positive reward method, and treat it calmly, gently, and quitely, no harsh methods please!
If you have any specific questions do feel free to post your queries. We will try and help.
Also why not check out our recommended [and guaranteed] solutions, which have live links in our margin - they are always well worth checking out for the best available advice.
mature dog,
potty training,
rescue dog
Saturday, 17 January 2009
Why can training be a problem?
We do individual dog training with people who have problems with their pets. The happy pet and owner who have at last seen a 'breakthrough' with their training is a wonderful reward in and of itself! [We also do dog walking and cat sitting in our local area.]
If you are looking for a dog trainer, you could perhaps ask for recommendations from the local dog owning population. Adverts in the local press or yellow pages will give names and phone numbers of trainers but a personal recommendation from someone who is a knowledgable dog owner will be a much safer bet!
As in all things, some trainers will be better than others, some you will get on with, some you won't - and price, and qualification, do not always provide you with a true picture of value.
If you can't get a personal recommendation, or if you don't get on with local trainers - I strongly advise you to try to read as much on the subject as possible, try out the free lesson mentioned in our other posts, and then once you have absorbed some ideas from that - the problem could already be sorted, and you should be far more informed and confident when asking for help from another trainer.
To check out the free lesson just Click Here!
If you are looking for a dog trainer, you could perhaps ask for recommendations from the local dog owning population. Adverts in the local press or yellow pages will give names and phone numbers of trainers but a personal recommendation from someone who is a knowledgable dog owner will be a much safer bet!
As in all things, some trainers will be better than others, some you will get on with, some you won't - and price, and qualification, do not always provide you with a true picture of value.
If you can't get a personal recommendation, or if you don't get on with local trainers - I strongly advise you to try to read as much on the subject as possible, try out the free lesson mentioned in our other posts, and then once you have absorbed some ideas from that - the problem could already be sorted, and you should be far more informed and confident when asking for help from another trainer.
To check out the free lesson just Click Here!
Lhasa Apso puppy potty training
Whether, or not, you have achieved your goal of training your puppy in the way you want for housebreaking/housetraining/potty training you shouldn't let it stop you having fun with your pup. Have some fun training for tricks... your pup will SO enjoy this, and it is SO easy.
Dog training should be fun, as well as being extremely important to your pup's safety. With this Dove Creswell course you can achieve both fun AND a well trained pup. Click Here to try out an entirely free lesson. It won't take you many minutes for your pup to pick up these tricks and it is so enjoyable to do them together.
With each lesson, you’ll SEE and HEAR her explaining exactly what to do. You need to HEAR exactly how to give the commands and SEE what the correct posture and hand signals are. It is online training, which you can enjoy and watch as often as you want.
Enjoy the free lesson now, after that you can decide if she would make the ideal trainer for you and your precious pup, because you will already have tried out the method she uses for absolutely no charge whatsoever, and with no obligation. [No having to enter your credit card details before you gain access to the free lesson.]
To check out details of all the lessons she supplies - which include obedience, recall, leash, and potty training just Click Here! - you'll also get access to your free lesson from the same link.
There isn't a shortage of dog trainers so why should you try Dove Creswell's method?
As well as having all the qualifications and experience you should expect, she is a professional Hollywood North dog trainer.
Some of the feature films she has worked on include: Saved! and Sam's Lake; TV shows: Romeo, Behind the Camera: Charlie's Angels, and Cougar Crossings; and commercials, including: The Source.
Dog training should be fun, as well as being extremely important to your pup's safety. With this Dove Creswell course you can achieve both fun AND a well trained pup. Click Here to try out an entirely free lesson. It won't take you many minutes for your pup to pick up these tricks and it is so enjoyable to do them together.
With each lesson, you’ll SEE and HEAR her explaining exactly what to do. You need to HEAR exactly how to give the commands and SEE what the correct posture and hand signals are. It is online training, which you can enjoy and watch as often as you want.
Enjoy the free lesson now, after that you can decide if she would make the ideal trainer for you and your precious pup, because you will already have tried out the method she uses for absolutely no charge whatsoever, and with no obligation. [No having to enter your credit card details before you gain access to the free lesson.]
To check out details of all the lessons she supplies - which include obedience, recall, leash, and potty training just Click Here! - you'll also get access to your free lesson from the same link.
There isn't a shortage of dog trainers so why should you try Dove Creswell's method?
As well as having all the qualifications and experience you should expect, she is a professional Hollywood North dog trainer.
Some of the feature films she has worked on include: Saved! and Sam's Lake; TV shows: Romeo, Behind the Camera: Charlie's Angels, and Cougar Crossings; and commercials, including: The Source.
Lhasa Apso Potty Training - Consistency and Variety
You must be consistent in your potty training [housetraining, housebreaking] and all other training - yet, just as importantly, your puppy must accept variety!
What am I saying? And why?
Really it harks back to a previous post when I stated that you shouldn't only get your puppy to perform in one place and on one type of surface. Circumstances have a habit of occuring which mean that your schedule has to be altered... maybe someone is ill, or you have to attend a funeral, a meeting, or even a wedding, and your puppy has to go and stay with someone else or even go to a kennels for a day.
What would happen if your pup refused to have a pee, go to the loo, or even eat in strange surroundings or with strange people?
Try and build some variety into your pups life as soon as it is practicable so that it is able to cope with the unexpected!
What am I saying? And why?
Really it harks back to a previous post when I stated that you shouldn't only get your puppy to perform in one place and on one type of surface. Circumstances have a habit of occuring which mean that your schedule has to be altered... maybe someone is ill, or you have to attend a funeral, a meeting, or even a wedding, and your puppy has to go and stay with someone else or even go to a kennels for a day.
What would happen if your pup refused to have a pee, go to the loo, or even eat in strange surroundings or with strange people?
Try and build some variety into your pups life as soon as it is practicable so that it is able to cope with the unexpected!
Friday, 16 January 2009
Potty Training The Easy Way
Part of an article I have posted on 'GoArticles.com'...
A trouble-free, quick and simple Potty Training [housebreaking, housetraining] system for your puppy [or dog].
Most of all you need a method which works and is kind. Your puppy will really, really, want to please you and receive praise. So, as with all training, a positive frame of mind, and positive training methods, are all that's required.
Give Rewards when your pet does what is required of him or her, ignore mishaps and just accept that they are YOUR fault - basically the fault of the method you are using!
Potty Training, [Housebreaking, Housetraining or House Training] may take a few weeks and you may get some disturbed nights, but it shouldn't be any real
or major hurdle or problem in your relationship with your new best friend.
Taking your puppy outside and giving your chosen command at the right time will result in a happy outcome! Then you must absolutely HEAP praise on your pup!
First choose what command you will use, and all puppies may respond to different
commands - also think about what your command will sound like to any neighbours who may be listening!
Some suggestions I have come across are - 'Be a clean boy/girl', 'Business Time', and the command I use which is 'Pee Time'.
Then you must be consistent. Use the same command every time when you take your pet outside to do what is required of him/her. Then praise, praise, praise, when the desired result is achieved.
You will learn when it's best to take your puppy out to relieve itself - but, first thing in the morning, after meals, after he/she has had a good drink, before bedtime, and regular intervals during the day, are some suggestions. Keep an eye on your puppy, and you are bound to begin to recognise the signs which say it is ready to relieve itself... then potty training, housetraining, housebreaking really WILL be a quick, easy and trouble-free process.
If you are looking for a down to earth, fast and simple instruction manual to help potty train your puppy in JUST 7 DAYS check out my information box below. If, on the other hand, you think you will need further help and advice on puppy/dog training to aid you with your new pup then you have only one option available... click now on the link to the book mentioned in the following paragraph... it contains EVERYTHING anyone could possibly need to train their best friend in the only way your friend deserves - including housetraining advice.
We are talking mostly about puppies here, but if you decide to bring a rescue dog into your home you may experience problems with housetraining, amongst other issues. Stress from its previous life and experiences may be an issue, and you will need to be calm, kind, and patient, when performing any re-training.
If you are experiencing this type of problem I can recommend the IDEAL solution which will give on-going support for as long as you require it - to see what is simply the best dog training information, either on the 'net' or off, just Click Here!
A trouble-free, quick and simple Potty Training [housebreaking, housetraining] system for your puppy [or dog].
Most of all you need a method which works and is kind. Your puppy will really, really, want to please you and receive praise. So, as with all training, a positive frame of mind, and positive training methods, are all that's required.
Give Rewards when your pet does what is required of him or her, ignore mishaps and just accept that they are YOUR fault - basically the fault of the method you are using!
Potty Training, [Housebreaking, Housetraining or House Training] may take a few weeks and you may get some disturbed nights, but it shouldn't be any real
or major hurdle or problem in your relationship with your new best friend.
Taking your puppy outside and giving your chosen command at the right time will result in a happy outcome! Then you must absolutely HEAP praise on your pup!
First choose what command you will use, and all puppies may respond to different
commands - also think about what your command will sound like to any neighbours who may be listening!
Some suggestions I have come across are - 'Be a clean boy/girl', 'Business Time', and the command I use which is 'Pee Time'.
Then you must be consistent. Use the same command every time when you take your pet outside to do what is required of him/her. Then praise, praise, praise, when the desired result is achieved.
You will learn when it's best to take your puppy out to relieve itself - but, first thing in the morning, after meals, after he/she has had a good drink, before bedtime, and regular intervals during the day, are some suggestions. Keep an eye on your puppy, and you are bound to begin to recognise the signs which say it is ready to relieve itself... then potty training, housetraining, housebreaking really WILL be a quick, easy and trouble-free process.
If you are looking for a down to earth, fast and simple instruction manual to help potty train your puppy in JUST 7 DAYS check out my information box below. If, on the other hand, you think you will need further help and advice on puppy/dog training to aid you with your new pup then you have only one option available... click now on the link to the book mentioned in the following paragraph... it contains EVERYTHING anyone could possibly need to train their best friend in the only way your friend deserves - including housetraining advice.
We are talking mostly about puppies here, but if you decide to bring a rescue dog into your home you may experience problems with housetraining, amongst other issues. Stress from its previous life and experiences may be an issue, and you will need to be calm, kind, and patient, when performing any re-training.
If you are experiencing this type of problem I can recommend the IDEAL solution which will give on-going support for as long as you require it - to see what is simply the best dog training information, either on the 'net' or off, just Click Here!
house training,
pee time,
potty training
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
Mummy dogs and Daddy dogs
When it comes to Lahsa Apso potty training, or housetraining any other type of puppy or dog for that matter, there is a vast difference between dogs and bitches when it comes to going out to have a pee... especially when they are taken out for a walk.
When bitches go out for walkies, or just to relieve themselves outside, they will go and have a single LONG pee. There is no need for them to stake out a territory like dogs, or to keep, or establish, their place in the pecking order of the dog population in that area.
With dogs they want to establish that they are TOP DOG. They pee little and often, and also try to pee higher up on any area that has previously been 'watered' by another dog. [This behaviour can be altered to a degree by training in a certain way - but we won't go into that here.]
A perfect illustration, and SO funny, was our young male RR named Shimba. We took him out for what would be a 3 mile walk around a reservoir - the first time he had visited the area. Just before we got out of the car to begin our walk a large party of people with about 10 dogs started their walk in the same direction as that which we were going to take. Just picture the scene in your minds eye - I can still see it now - imagine what it must have looked like.
You have never seen anything so funny as our young macho male trying to out-pee all the other dogs put together! Rushing from one spot to another, raising one leg or the other in an amazing display. At one time he was in such a hurry that he hadn't put one leg down before raising the other - the result was hilarious.
Enjoy your picture and DO enjoy your pets they will provide you with much fun, amusement, and joy!
When bitches go out for walkies, or just to relieve themselves outside, they will go and have a single LONG pee. There is no need for them to stake out a territory like dogs, or to keep, or establish, their place in the pecking order of the dog population in that area.
With dogs they want to establish that they are TOP DOG. They pee little and often, and also try to pee higher up on any area that has previously been 'watered' by another dog. [This behaviour can be altered to a degree by training in a certain way - but we won't go into that here.]
A perfect illustration, and SO funny, was our young male RR named Shimba. We took him out for what would be a 3 mile walk around a reservoir - the first time he had visited the area. Just before we got out of the car to begin our walk a large party of people with about 10 dogs started their walk in the same direction as that which we were going to take. Just picture the scene in your minds eye - I can still see it now - imagine what it must have looked like.
You have never seen anything so funny as our young macho male trying to out-pee all the other dogs put together! Rushing from one spot to another, raising one leg or the other in an amazing display. At one time he was in such a hurry that he hadn't put one leg down before raising the other - the result was hilarious.
Enjoy your picture and DO enjoy your pets they will provide you with much fun, amusement, and joy!
daddy dogs,
Lhasa Apso potty training,
mummy dogs,
quick pee
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I also get cashback for registering with other sites, completing surveys, and even essential items like insurance renewals.
By referring a friend using my special link below I get £7.00 too!
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Keep a low profile - then you won't be sent out into that horrible RAIN!
In my experience most Rhodesian Ridgebacks absolutely HATE rain!
Our first Ridgeback [a rescue called Simba] really hated rain landing on him. If he was out for a walk we could say 'hurry up it's going to rain' and he would look up at the sky, then hurry for home! We just had to hang onto the lead and hope we could keep up.
But since this blog is mainly about potty training - so is this post! One extremely rainy day after a short morning walk the rain had set in for the day. How long do you think a dog can hold on if it really has to? The answer in Simba's case was a VERY, very, very, long time.
We each thought someone else had let him out into the garden for 'a quick pee' but when everyone had been asked it transpired that he had stayed quiet and hidden away in a corner, keeping an extremely low profile, so that no-one would remember he hadn't been out for a pee. He had hung on for hours and hours! Such a character, and such a hater of rain.
Our first Ridgeback [a rescue called Simba] really hated rain landing on him. If he was out for a walk we could say 'hurry up it's going to rain' and he would look up at the sky, then hurry for home! We just had to hang onto the lead and hope we could keep up.
But since this blog is mainly about potty training - so is this post! One extremely rainy day after a short morning walk the rain had set in for the day. How long do you think a dog can hold on if it really has to? The answer in Simba's case was a VERY, very, very, long time.
We each thought someone else had let him out into the garden for 'a quick pee' but when everyone had been asked it transpired that he had stayed quiet and hidden away in a corner, keeping an extremely low profile, so that no-one would remember he hadn't been out for a pee. He had hung on for hours and hours! Such a character, and such a hater of rain.
Potty training, housebreaking, or housetraining
This has nothing whatsoever to do with potty training, housebreaking, or housetraining yet it could possibly help to get you into the right frame of
mind to achieve success in your adventure.
It's a book from James Allen called, "As A Man Thinketh"
You can grab your free copy by clicking Right Here!
mind to achieve success in your adventure.
It's a book from James Allen called, "As A Man Thinketh"
You can grab your free copy by clicking Right Here!

Lhasa Apso Potty Training ... mistakes to avoid
Lhasa Apso Potty Training is just like housetraining [housebreaking, house training] any other breed of dog. There are some mistakes which it is vital you avoid, or you will experience problems later on down the line!
Mistakes can be made in keeping to too regular a schedule and, more importantly, in only using one place, or one type of surface, to perform! This will be explained more fully later... but it could lead to problems if you have to go to a different place, take your pet away with you, or if your pet has to go for overnight stays at a vets or boarding kennels.
If you are experiencing problems with just potty training, I recommend 7 Day Potty Training which, incidentally, comes with a full 60 day guarantee. Just Click Here! for instant access to this remarkably simple and competitively priced training ebook. Then you can forget all about having to shell out a fortune for a professional trainer!
If you are experiencing other training problems just click on the link in our margin to our other recommended training. More information about this will be found in a later post - but for those in a hurry, and after a bargain - take a look NOW!
The Lhasa Apso, for those who do not know, is a dog breed from Tibet which was introduced in London in 1929. The breed is acknowledged as a 'small dog' and has a long coat [it vaguely resembles a small version of an English Sheepdog]. Your Lhasa Apso will require a regular daily grooming, and, though many people assume - wrongly - that small dogs don't need so much exercise, it will require lots of exercise both on and off the leash.
Mistakes can be made in keeping to too regular a schedule and, more importantly, in only using one place, or one type of surface, to perform! This will be explained more fully later... but it could lead to problems if you have to go to a different place, take your pet away with you, or if your pet has to go for overnight stays at a vets or boarding kennels.
If you are experiencing problems with just potty training, I recommend 7 Day Potty Training which, incidentally, comes with a full 60 day guarantee. Just Click Here! for instant access to this remarkably simple and competitively priced training ebook. Then you can forget all about having to shell out a fortune for a professional trainer!
If you are experiencing other training problems just click on the link in our margin to our other recommended training. More information about this will be found in a later post - but for those in a hurry, and after a bargain - take a look NOW!
The Lhasa Apso, for those who do not know, is a dog breed from Tibet which was introduced in London in 1929. The breed is acknowledged as a 'small dog' and has a long coat [it vaguely resembles a small version of an English Sheepdog]. Your Lhasa Apso will require a regular daily grooming, and, though many people assume - wrongly - that small dogs don't need so much exercise, it will require lots of exercise both on and off the leash.
Monday, 12 January 2009
Lhasa Apso Potty Training
Free advice on potty training for Lhasa Apsos... and any other puppies, or dogs.
Lhasa Apso potty training should be undertaken - like any other housetraining or housebreaking schedule - with positive reinforcements to suit your own particular puppy.
Our blog gives advice on house training your Lhasa Apso, plus many other aspects of looking after your new pet!
Why not make us one of your 'FAVOURITES' then you can easily check out any helpful new information we've uploaded?
See our margin for our favourite dog training and dog health recommendations... Secrets to Dog Training
View our Privacy Policy here!
Copyright 2009
Lhasa Apso potty training should be undertaken - like any other housetraining or housebreaking schedule - with positive reinforcements to suit your own particular puppy.
Our blog gives advice on house training your Lhasa Apso, plus many other aspects of looking after your new pet!
Why not make us one of your 'FAVOURITES' then you can easily check out any helpful new information we've uploaded?
See our margin for our favourite dog training and dog health recommendations... Secrets to Dog Training
View our Privacy Policy here!
Copyright 2009
house training,
Lhasa Apso potty training,
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