I just cannot comprehend how anyone can treat any animal cruelly. And to do it to a small defenceless puppy! Well, I'm afraid I think the same should be dished out to them, as they do to the poor animal. Why does anyone buy [and they aren't cheap] a pedigree puppy in the first place, if they are not willing to look after it, and train it responsibly, so that they have a best friend to be rightly proud of?
But, all that said, what to do when you inevitably experience problems with your rescue Lhasa [or any other breed for that matter] which were caused by their past ill-treatment?
Many people have turned to Secrets to Dog Training and the team there have many stories of problems solved with the advice given within the book and also the personal help given to the buyers of the book.
Another good resource for learning how to treat rescue dogs are books by Jan Fennell... try Amazon for secondhand copies of her first book.
Often when you have had your rescue pet for a year or two and they have gained confidence in the world as a whole... they may try to assert dominance at home, and more problems may surface for a time. This is quite a common phenomenon... and sometimes leads to rescue animals being returned to the RSPCA, breed rescue, or to the dog pound.
Secrets to Dog Training
Just click 'Amazon'
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