Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Who buys doggy supplies online?

If you live in a rural area with poor facilities it can be cheaper to buy your dog and other pet supplies online. The size [quantity/cost] of your order will dictate delivery costs, but it could well work out cheaper overall than either going by public transport and lugging your heavy purchases home, or alternatively, travelling into your nearest centre by car, paying for petrol/diesel to get there, and probably paying to park the car as well.

The following links will give you a place to 'price check' before you make any decisions - and one of the links gives a 5% discount coupon.

The weight of pet food when added to your shopping can make public transport travel almost impossible. I always think of Bob Newhart and 'The school for rude bus drivers' when I'm trying to take shopping onto a bus!

[He's probably most well known for either the 'Bringing Tobacco to Civilization' or the 'Driving Instructor' - you can find his CD's on Amazon.]
The online pet retailer with more than 4,000 products

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