Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Lhasa Apso Puppy Training School

Taking your Lhasa Apso puppy [or any other breed of pup for that matter] to puppy training school should be good for their socialization skills if nothing else!

Do NOT expect too much else - as your pup will be very young - or you will be disappointed on this score.

Quite often too much is expected from the pups themselves, and/or from the schools. Do ask any dog owning friends, and/or the vets which you have decided upon, to recommend a good puppy training school. Some can be very disappointing even though their owners and/or the people running the school have all the requisite training qualifications.

If you are new to dog or puppy ownership then it is best to read up on the subject BEFORE you bring your new friend home. Get the help of a good book or course [better still... get, and study, both!]... and don't forget to have an animal health guide as part of your 'pet library'!

[You'll find links to the best ones in our right-hand margin - plus we have within this blog many useful posts/articles on various health topics, and also posts about the books and courses we recommend and use ourselves.]

Monday, 27 July 2009

New [Pet supplies] Website

This extremely useful, informative, and money-saving pet retailer website has been updated and revamped, and to celebrate there are all sorts of brilliant offers on foods, toys, and essentials for dogs, cats, fishes, and other types of pets... these offers are available online NOW!

Tuesday, 7 July 2009